Investor Services

  • Investment

    Expected Rate of Return (%)

    No. of Years

    "Future Value of Current Investment"

  • Age of Child

    Inflation Rate - Education (%)

    Expected Rate of Return (%)

    Education Expense

    Required at age

    Current Value

  • Current Year

    Inflation Rate (%)

    Expected Rate of Return (%)

    Child Education

    Expected After (YRS)

    Current Value

    Daughter's Marriage

    Expected After (YRS)

    Current Value


    Expected After (YRS)

    Current Value

  • Current Monthly Expense

    Current Age

    Retirement Age

    Life Expectancy

    Rate of Inflation (%)

    Rate of Return (%)

    Adjusted Return

    Years to Retirement

    Years Post Retirement

    Future Monthly Expenses

    Retirement Corpus

    Monthly Savings Required

  • Initial Investment (PKR)

    Investment Amount (PKR)

    Payment Frequency

    Investment Period (Years)

    Expected Annual Return (%)

    "Total Invested Amount"

    "Future Value"

    "Weight Gain"

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