Our Products

    Islamic Income Funds

    For investors who prefer long term wealth generation and capital gain with an objective to invest in medium to long-term income instruments as well as short-tenor money market instruments to generate superior, long-term, risk-adjusted returns in accordance with Shariah practices.

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    Islamic Money Market Funds

    For investors seeking maximum possible preservation of capital by investing in low risk and liquid Shariah Compliant instruments in accordance with Shariah Compliant Islamic Money Market Category.

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    Islamic Equity Fund

    For investors seeking to generate long term capital growth through actively managed portfolio in accordance with Shariah Compliant Islamic Equity Category.

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    News & Events

    Funds Prices

    Fund Name Offer Prices (PKR) Repurchase Prices (PKR) Date
    Pak-Qatar Asset Allocation Plan IIIA (PQAAP IIIA) 133.1065 128.7421 02-12-2024
    Pak-Qatar Asset Allocation Plan IIA (PQAAP IIA) 113.0692 109.3618 02-12-2024
    Pak-Qatar Asset Allocation Plan IA (PQAAP IA) 114.5536 110.7975 02-12-2024
    Pak-Qatar Islamic Income Fund (Pak-Qatar Monthly Income Plan) 104.8915 101.3934 02-12-2024
    Pak-Qatar Islamic Income Fund (Pak-Qatar Income Plan) 113.8649 110.1314 02-12-2024
    Pak-Qatar Islamic Income Fund (Pak-Qatar Khalis Bachat Plan) 112.9759 109.2082 02-12-2024
    Pak-Qatar Islamic Cash Fund (Pak-Qatar Islamic Cash Plan) 111.8366 108.1696 03-12-2024

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